Real Estate listings near Great Northern Way Campus

Great Northern Way Campus Ltd (GNWC) is a private limited company and educational enterprise located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It is the offspring of a consortium of four local academic institutions (the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, Emily Carr University of Art and Design and the British Columbia Institute of Technology, each of whom own a 25% interest in the company) that has attracted significant public and private funding. The company is the trustee of the Great Northern Way Campus Trust, whose stated purpose is to create "a centre of convergence for arts and culture, digital media and the environment." At present, it manages a Master's degree in Digital Media, which admitted its first students in the Fall of 2007. The GNWC Trust has two principal activities: operating the Centre for Digital Media, which offers the Masters of Digital Media graduate degree, and revitalizing its land parcel to bring together business, academia and the general community into an emerging district for the digital and creative sectors. Eight projects, which include both new construction and renovations of existing buildings, are underway and several businesses in the digital media sector currently rent space on the campus.