Real Estate listings near St. Paul's, Bloor Street

St. Paul's Bloor Street (Anglican Church) is located in the heart of Canada’s biggest city. The Church complex is surrounded by business, residential condominiums, retail and post-secondary educational instructions. It is the largest church in the Diocese of Toronto of the Anglican Church of Canada. Located in downtown Toronto, this dynamic church has three services on Sunday; 8:15 a.m. (a traditional Anglican service), 9:30 a.m. (relaxed and contemporary service) and at 11 a.m. (a classic Anglican service with full choir and organ). On Tuesdays at 12:10 p.m. a Communion Service is offered to the local community. St. Paul’s has a growing and diverse congregation, with a wide demographic. The vision of St. Paul's Bloor Street is: "By the power and grace of Jesus Christ, we seek to be a transformative community for the city." It has extensive children and youth programs as well as offering many adult programs, along with Outreach ministries.