33139 1st Avenue, Mission

  • Type: Commercial
Source: Public Records

Property Details

Note: This property is not currently for sale or for rent on Ovlix.
We have found 6 Commercial that closely match the specifications of the property located at 33139 1st Avenue with distances ranging from 2 to 9 kilometers away. The prices for these similar properties vary between 975,000 and 1,699,000, providing a good range for comparison. Moreover, we have also discovered that there are a few open Commercial in the V2V1G5 postal code area of Mission British Columbia Canada.

Nearby Places

Name Type Address Distance
Mission, British Columbia It is situated on the north bank of the Fraser Riv... 0.1 km
Mission City railway station The station is located on the north side of the Ca... 0.4 km
Tim Hortons Cafe 33291 1 Ave 0.5 km
Mission Water Aerodrome Mission Water Aerodrome, (TC LID: CAY7), was locat... 0.7 km
École Mission Senior Secondary School It was established in 1952, and is the longest ser... 0.8 km
Boston Pizza Restaurant 32555 London Ave #160 0.8 km
Mission Harbour railway station The station is served by Via Rail's The Canadian t... 0.9 km
Mission Railway Bridge Replacing an earlier bridge built in 1891, which w... 1.2 km
Mission Race Ways Establishment 32670 1.3 km
Mission Bridge The bridge is measured at 3,695 feet (1,126.2 m) l... 1.3 km
Mission Raceway Park The facility features a ¼ mile NHRA-sanctioned dra... 1.5 km
D'Herbomez Creek Mary's Indian Residential School).... 1.9 km

Demographic Information

Neighbourhood Education

Bachelor's degree 20
University / Below bachelor level 30
Certificate of Qualification 30
College 55
University degree at bachelor level or above 25

Neighbourhood Marital Status Stat

Married 110
Widowed 35
Divorced 95
Separated 25
Never married 150
Living common law 45
Married or living common law 155
Not married and not living common law 305

Neighbourhood Construction Date

1961 to 1980 85
1981 to 1990 60
1991 to 2000 85
2006 to 2010 10
1960 or before 50
Comparison of 33139 1st Avenue, Mission, BC with Nearby Commercial listings
Nearby Cities Listings Avg. price
Abbotsford 750 $1.379.410
Langley 1086 $1.819.809
Richmond 769 $1.627.614
White Rock 225 $1.997.782
Pitt Meadows 74 $1.164.230
Chilliwack 572 $1.049.487
Maple Ridge 680 $1.432.989
Surrey 2679 $1.610.439
Popular Cities Listings Avg. price
Burnaby 868 $1.394.610
Coquitlam 535 $1.703.109
Vancouver 2918 $2.120.965
North Vancouver 492 $1.738.337
West Vancouver 362 $4.407.198
Victoria 462 $962.151
Langford 405 $988.129
Nanaimo 747 $908.195
204 7265 Haig Street, Mission 7541 Columbia Street, Mission 7697 Cedar Street, Mission 206 7554 Briskham Street, Mission 204 7554 Briskham Street, Mission 7327 Catherwood Street, Mission 7435 Preston Boulevard, Mission 32572 Preston Boulevard, Mission