Fort Richmond, Winnipeg Real Estate


2 Homes for Sale in Fort Richmond

Winnipeg Condos | Winnipeg Commercial | Winnipeg Duplex | Winnipeg Townhomes | Winnipeg Land
4 Bedroom Residential Home For Sale | 600 Grierson Ave | Winnipeg | R3T 2S1 This large family home is nestled in the quiet suburb of Fort Richmond The property sits almost entirely alone on its block between an alleyway and a vacant parcel of land owned by the university. The lack of next door neighbors provides excellent privacy for living in the city. This listing would be ideal for young families or real estate developers looking to utilize the proximity to the university for rental listings. Would be available for possession by mid May. ...
600 Grierson Ave, Winnipeg
4 beds 3 baths 2000 sqft • Residential Home
Added by 1282 days ago